

On December 22-24, 2021, ECAQA External Evaluation Commission (EEC) visited the Higher Medical College of the Akimat of Nur-Sultan and the Regional Simulation Center of Nur-Sultan (Director - PhD Akbala Sarzhanova)...

On December 13-15, 2021 an External Expert Evaluation of 4 bachelor's degree programmes and 12 residency programmes of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University (Rector – Professor Nurlan Dzhainakbayev)...

On December 6-8, 2021, within the framework of specialized accreditation, an External Expert Evaluation of the residency programmes of JSC "National Center of Neurosurgery" (Chairman of the Board - Academician Serik Akshulakov)...

November 22, 2021 QASPIR is an International organization based in the USA, UK, MENA and India, has established its credibility in helping a large number of higher education institutions across the globe in the professional development of their faculty, developing quality assurance mechanisms and contributing to promoting institutional research.

ECAQA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the QASPIR (Quality Assurance Strategic Planning and Institutional Research) to offer professional development opportunities to its members.

The MoU aims to enhance collaboration between the two organizations and to leverage QASPIR’s professional development platform Qedex. The partnership will broaden the scope of professional development offerings to ECAQA members and provide a diverse range of hybrid and online training programs geared towards career education institutions. The MoU also calls for strengthening cooperation through mutually promoting each party’s offerings, webinars, and other networking events.

Mr. Stuart Blacklock, CEO of QASPIR, shared, "Our partnership with ECAQA comes very naturally as both our organizations provide complementing services. It comes when professional development is becoming more accepted as a way to improve how students learn and improve institutional performance. With our focus on leadership, faculty, and staff professional development through our platform Qedex, combined with ECAQA commitment to supporting their member's institutions, we can offer a unique and compelling opportunity. We both believe an institution is only as good as its people, and with both ECAQA and QASPIRs strong reputation, we will continue to assist institutions in their pursuit of improved student learning, retention and graduation."

Dr Saule Sarsenbayeva, ECAQA Director General (ECAQA) stated, “Qedex is a distinguishing platform that provides opportunities for faculty, leadership and staff of higher education institutions capacity development in a self-directed path. We strongly believe that partnership with QASPIR will be beneficial for both organisations to advance Continuing Professional Development of Faculty of the Higher Education Institutions.

By introducing Qedex online courses among higher education institutions in Kazakhstan and CIS countries as well, we provide environment for faculty and staff to easily enhance their professional skills by staying at the workplace.

The key feature of all of the courses on Qedex is being accredited by CPD UK, an internationally recognized professional development body and approved externally before being published on the platform.

We hope that it would be the best opportunity for ECAQA partners and higher education institutions’ staff and faculty to be part of global professional community and create regional private micro-community”.

Qedex is a unique platform whose vision is equitable, accessible, and affordable professional development in higher education. With this partnership, ECAQA members can enroll their faculty and staff at a specially agreed rate that provides unlimited access to courses over a one-year period. Qedex will be adding hundreds of courses over the next three years focusing on leadership as well as faculty and staff development. With institutions joining from all around the world, affordability of professional development is a global challenge that creates several barriers to career development. The Qedex vision is a solution for institutions facing these challenges.

On December 2, 2021 Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) hosted an international webinar which is entitled “Introduction to Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education area (ESG 2015)”.

An invited speaker of the webinar was Ronny Heintz, a senior consultant at the Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes (AQAS), Germany which is a partnership organization of ECAQA.

In total, 115 participants were registered - representatives of education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation and South Korea.

The aim of the webinar was the capacity development of ECAQA accreditation experts by demonstrating the role of ESG in quality assurance of education and applying it in the accreditation process of education institutions.

The role of foreign experts and students’ representatives in the external quality assurance of education was discussed, as well as the experience of Germany in accreditation was presented. Mr Ronny Heintz described the ESG part 2 and 3, while the focus was made to the Part 1.

The record of the webinar is available on

Don’t miss ECAQA events, please follow us on social nets @ecaqa_org (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

On November 18-19, 2021 Eurasian Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care (ECAQA) participated at the international forum on quality assurance. The event was organized by the E-4 group which is the main stakeholder of higher education in Europe. The E-4 consists of the European University Association (EUA), European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and European Students’ Union (ESU). The forum is entitled “2021 European Quality Assurance Forum”. The forum speakers were the first leaders and advisers of European quality assurance agencies and professors of higher education institutions.

Speakers and forum participants discussed the importance of building trust in accreditation through the digitization of higher education and the involvement of external stakeholders. Along with interesting discussions, an online platform provided an opportunity to expand the networking for participants from different parts of the world.

ECAQA expresses its gratitude to the European Associations for organizing such a large-scale event that united more than 600 participants.

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